Review of the Battlestar Galactica Miniseries DVD

My review of the Battlestar Galactica miniseries DVD is finally up. (I wrote it over a week ago.)

As always a link can be found on the Writings page.

Two new reviews.

Two new reviews are up: Air Crash Investigation TV Show: Review and Rate and The Sims 3: Generations – Review.

As always links can also be found on the writings page.

New article

A new article from me has been published online.

A guide to dealing with graphic novel publishers.

A link can also be found in My Writings. If you like any of my articles or reviews please “like” them using the Facebook button or link to them directly. Thank you. 🙂

Portfolio updates

My writings page has been updated again to include two new articles:
A guide to season one of Haven
Creating a character profile.

First Review

I’ve had my first review published online and here is the link.

X-Men: First Class Review and Rate.

A link can also be found on the Writings page.


I’ve posted up a new short story I wrote last year. It’s called Awake and is another story written in the first person.

I’ll also be helping at the Joint International Conference of Graphic Novels, Bandes dessinees and Comics 2011. I know I’ve posted about this before but I wanted to put up another link to it for those who missed it first time round.

Conference website.