A few changes

Just a quick post to let everyone know that I’ve moved some of my articles.
I’ve moved four of my articles from where they were being hosted to this blog to try and make everything more central.

However that does mean that their URLs have changed so if you have any of these bookmarked you will have to change them.

X-Men: First Class – Review.

A Guide to Season One of Haven.

The Sims 3: Generations – Review.

Air Crash Investigation – Overview.

Final Three Terra Nova Episodes

Some of your will no doubt have noticed that I had been reviewing Terra Nova’s first season. Every week I would watch the episode then write up my recap and review.
However some of you will also have noticed that I have not done this for the final three episodes and were perhaps wondering why.

The reason is quite mundane but very annoying. I had Terra Nova on series link on my Sky + but over the Christmas period the episodes got deleted. (Not by me I might add. 😉 )
Nevermind I thought, Sky also allows you to download them and watch them on your computer, I shall do that. A good plan you might think. However I’ve tried a few times and for whatever reason cannot get the episodes in question to download.

So there you have it. Perhaps a lesson for me to have plans A, B and C when reviewing episodes and to never let drunken relatives near my Sky + box.
I am still trying to get my hands on copies on the episodes in question so that if/when it is confirmed Terra Nova has a second season I will be all caught up.

Sarah-Jane Simpson Facebook page

I’ve set up a Facebook page for my professional profile. There are two really good reasons for this:

  1. One easy to find place on Facebook for updates and information. As I grow as a writer and get jobs, experience and build my portfolio this page will be an excellent place.
  2. This keeps my personal Facebook profile and my profession separate. Very important. It amazes me how many professional don’t do this. How I interact with family and friends if different to how I interact with employers and the big wide world.

Sarah-Jane Simpson – writer. Please like and that way you’ll get lovely updates. Marvellous.

Hello world!

Well hello there. I suppose this is the standard first post.

I’m Sarah-Jane and if you want to know more about me feel free to check out the About Me page.

Things look a little empty at the moment but fear not, I shall me adding more soon. Upcoming features will be commentaries/discussions about film and television as well as some of my academic writing and perhaps some short stories.

So keep checking back for updates.