Final Three Terra Nova Episodes

Some of your will no doubt have noticed that I had been reviewing Terra Nova’s first season. Every week I would watch the episode then write up my recap and review.
However some of you will also have noticed that I have not done this for the final three episodes and were perhaps wondering why.

The reason is quite mundane but very annoying. I had Terra Nova on series link on my Sky + but over the Christmas period the episodes got deleted. (Not by me I might add. 😉 )
Nevermind I thought, Sky also allows you to download them and watch them on your computer, I shall do that. A good plan you might think. However I’ve tried a few times and for whatever reason cannot get the episodes in question to download.

So there you have it. Perhaps a lesson for me to have plans A, B and C when reviewing episodes and to never let drunken relatives near my Sky + box.
I am still trying to get my hands on copies on the episodes in question so that if/when it is confirmed Terra Nova has a second season I will be all caught up.

Terra Nova: Now You See Me – Recap and Review

A little later than usual my recap and review of episode nine of Terra Nova is up.
Terra Nova: Now You See Me – Recap and Review.
You can follow the direct link above and as always a link can be found on My Writings.

Terra Nova: Vs – Recap and Review

Season 1, episode 8 of Terra Nova aired on Sky 1 yesterday and my recap and review is now up. “Vs” adds a lot to the overall plot arc and answers some of the questions already posed in the series.
This is an excellent episode, a welcome relief after so many shaky ones.

As always a link is available on My Writings and below:
Terra Nova: Vs – Recap and Review.

Terra Nova: Proof – Recap and Review

Episode seven of Terra Nova’s first season aired on Sky 1 on Monday 21st November and I have completed my recap and review.
It is available on My Writings as well as directly if you follow the link below:
Terra Nova: Proof – Recap and Review

This episode is much better than those previously seen and makes me excited for what the rest of the season might bring. Hopefully Terra Nova can keep these kinds of episodes coming.

Terra Nova: Nightfall – Recap and Review

My recap and review of Terra Nova’s sixth episode “Nightfall”.
A link can by found on My Writing as well as below.
Terra Nova: Nightfall – Recap and Review.

This episode is an improvement on others previously seen but still feels rushed towards the end. Read my review to find out more.

Terra Nova: Bylaw – Recap and Review

My recap and review for Terra Nova episode 5 – Bylaw is available. As always it can be found on My Writings as well as by this direct link.
Terra Nova: Bylaw – Recap and Review.

Terra Nova appears to be finding its feet slowly but surely however I feel it still suffers from being a tad predictable. Read my review to find out more.

Terra Nova: The Runaway – Recap and Review

My recap and review of Terra Nova season 1, episode 4 – The Runaway is available.
A link can be found on My Writings or you can bookmark the page yourself.
Terra Nova: The Runaway – Recap and Review.

Terra Nova: What Remains – Recap and Review

My recaps and review of Terra Nova season 1, episode 3 – What Remains.
A link can by found on My Writings page or you can bookmark the page yourself:
Terra Nova: What Remains – Recap and Review.

Terra Nova: Instinct – Recap and Review

My recap and review of episode 2 of Terra Nova is available.
As always a link can be found on My Writings page or you can bookmark the page yourself.
Terra Nova: Instinct – Recap and Review.

Also just a reminder to everyone who enjoyed Haven season 1 that season 2 starts tonight on SyFy in the UK at 9pm.
Missed season 1? Check out my guide to the first season of Haven.

Terra Nova: Genesis

New review is up for the new series Terra Nova which premièred on British television last night.
Link can be found on My Writing page or directly: Terra Nova: Genesis – Recap and Review.