Haven: Silent Night – Recap and Review

Haven’s Christmas episode breaks away from tradition by not actually being set at Christmas. Read my recap and review to find out more.
Haven: Silent Night – Recap and Review.

As always a link can also be found on My Writings page.

Final episodes of Haven’s second season

Haven’s second season drew to a spectacular close with episodes eleven and twelve airing on SyFy in a double bill. With some questions answered and new ones posed fans will be looking forward to next year and season three.

Haven: Business as Usual – Recap and Review.

Haven: Sins of the Fathers – Recap and Review.

Links will be posted on My Writings or you can bookmark them directly.

I’ve really enjoyed reviewing Haven this season and I hope people have enjoyed reading my articles. Please remember to ‘like’ and/or retweet my reviews if you enjoyed them.

Two new Haven reviews

I’ve been a little under the weather over the past few weeks and have gotten behind with my Haven review. Thankfully I’m feeling much better now and am catching up with the rest of season 2.

Haven: Lockdown – Recap and Review.

Haven: Who, What, Where, Wendigo? – Recap and Review.

Today I have done episodes 9 and 10, which are excellent episodes.
As always links can be found on My Writings if you don’t bookmark the links above.

Haven: Friend or Faux – Recap and Review

My recap and review of Haven season 2, episode 8 is available.

A link can be found on My Writings as well as below:
Haven: Friend or Faux – Recap and Review.

This is an excellent episode that deals with the concept of memory and identity through the use of duplicates. If you enjoy this episode of Haven check out my blog post about clones and identity.

Haven: The Tides That Bind – Recap and Review

Good seventh episode in Haven’s second season. My recap and review is available on My Writings as well as directly:
Haven: The Tides That Bind – Recap and Review.

Haven: Audrey Parker’s Day Off

The sixth episode of Haven’s second season, “Audrey Parker’s Day Off”, has been recapped and reviewed by me. Links can be found on My Writings as well as here.
Haven: Audrey Parker’s Day Off – Recap and Review.

An excellent time-loop episode where Audrey tries to stop tragic events as she relives the same day over and over.

Haven: Roots – Recap and Review

My recap and review of Haven season 2, episode 5 – Roots is available.
A link can be found on My Writings page or you can go directly:
Haven: Roots – Recap and Review.

Haven: Sparks and Recreation – Recap and Review

My recap and review Haven season 2, episode 4 – Sparks and Recreation is available. As always it can be found on My Writings page or you can link directly. Haven: Sparks and Recreation – Recap and Review.

Haven: Love Machine – Recap and Review

Haven season 2, episode 3 – Love Machine has been recapped and review.
As always a link will be on My Writings or you can bookmark the page yourself.
Haven: Love Machine – Recap and Review.

Haven: Fear & Loathing – Recap and Review

My recap and review of Haven season 2, episode 2 – Fear & Loathing.
Link can be found on My Writing page or you can bookmark the link yourself.
Haven: Fear & Loathing – Recap and Review.

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